Tuesday, May 28, 2013

[1.5.2] [Forge] v0.1.1 MineStuff Mod!

Hello guys! It's Ravash7, and I've got an awesome mod for you! Say hello to the MineStuff Mod! With MineStuff, you can build a factory and use new swords! You can also go mining with really cool stuff! So get the MineStuff Mod today! Coming soon on the Minecraft Forums... soon. It requires Forge! It can be used in Technic Modpacks... hopefully they add this mod to Tekkit! You can put this mod into a modpack too! Download link below:


Download oldest version: minestuff 0.1.0.jar

Changelog for 0.1.1
-Added World Generators just for mining and stuff...
-Added files for THE DOG UPDATE!

Also, find out how to download the mod below!
1. Get Minecraft Forge in minecraft.jar.
2. Let it load up. When done loading, stop Minecraft.
3. You will see a folder in .minecraft (it will be in %appdata%) that says "mods".
4. Place "minestuff 0.1.0.jar" into that folder.
5. Start Minecraft.
6. Open up a world, and start having adventures with the mod! 

 Link to my other blog on Punchwood.com: http://www.punchwood...-ravash7s-blog/

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Dang Drivin' Dog!!!!!! Holy cow!!!

Remember that Skateboarding Dog video? Well, now there's something even more bizarre! This is a have to share! You'll have to see the video to realize how fantasy this is. The thing is, it is not fantasy or unreal at all! It may seem unrealistic, but it is not! Don't believe me? It is so true!!!

blog post by Ravash7

Skateboarding Dog!!

View this clip for the coolest skateboarding video ever! Tomatoman saw this video, and I thought our bloggers might want to see it. So I hope you like it!!!!!!

blog post by Ravash7


Me and Tomatoman are ninjas. In fact, we even built a ninja fort. Some of our posts are about Minecraft, the rest are about something else. This is about something else. I have an Angry Birds STAR WARS hoodie, and another jacket. i wore the hoodie backwards, but the jacket, normal way. So I have a ninja suit. I put my jacket hood on, then put the hoodie hood on. That makes a perfect ninja suit! You can see our Ninja blog on www.ravashstudiosninjablog.blogpost.com!

blog post by Ravash7

Gotta go back on Minecraft SMP!

My sister is asking me to turn on my server, Magiciancraft. she made an emerald house and now I have to wait to write another post until I'm done :(

blog post by Ravash7

Tomatoman's Village

Me and Tomatoman just finished playing Minecraft on his Multiplayer LAN world, and I ended up spawning a Wither, and he ended up being a mad Minecrafter. I bet he'll be evn madder next time!

blog post by Ravash7